Integrated search of library's catalog, e-resources and collections from digital library.


elearningbook lending machine

Library of Lodz University of Technology implements the project:
Welcome TULbox
„Supporting organisational skills and qualification of administrative staff at Lodz University of Technology for improvement of services offered to foreign students and academic staff” in the framework of NAWA Programme - Welcome to Poland


The programme is implemented under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development co-financed by the European Social Fund, project Increasing competencies of the academic staff and the institutions’ potential to receive people from abroad – Welcome to Poland, realised in the framework of the Action specified in the application for funding no POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.

Library of Lodz University of Technology

Address: 223 Wólczańska Street, 93-005 Łódź
Contact: +48 42 631 20 59 (office), +48 42 631 20 73 (user services)
Email: (office), (user services)

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