Databases and online resources

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This database includes in-depth coverage of companies, products, executives, trends and other topics available in more than 2,000 publications, with over 1,800 in full-text. Users can study and compare specific trades and industries, including telecommunications, computing, transportation, construction, petrochemicals and many others.

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This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.

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This database is an engineering reference tool that provides seamless access to the world's best-known, most-used collection of authoritative, regularly updated engineering reference information. The database contains 530 full-text monographs and textbooks, animations, videos and interactive tables and calculators.

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ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery) is the world's biggest collection of publications from the field of theoretical IT science and the appliance of IT techniques. The ACM collection consists of full text scientific journals, conference materials, bulletins of discussion groups (i.e. Special Interest Groups - SIG), multimedia shows and many other documents.

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ACS Publications provides full text, full image access to most of the ACS print journals and their supplementary materials. Coverage includes articles from year of first issue (some begin as early as 1879) up to the current issue.

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This database contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library. Coverage for AGRICOLA dates back to 1970 and includes more than 4.8 million citations. The citations are comprised of journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials and technical reports related to agriculture.

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One of the world’s largest publishers of scientific information in physics and the related sciences, AIP Publishing employs innovative technologies and offers publishing services for the American Institute of Physics and AIP Member Society publishing partners. AIP Publishing’s suite of publications includes 17 journals, three of which are published in partnership with other organizations; magazines, including AIP’s flagship publication Physics Today; and the AIP Conference Proceedings series.

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Provides access to the full text of scholarly journals published by the American Physical Society (APS). Titles include Physical Review, sections A-E; Physical Review Letters; Review of Modern Physics; Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams; various journals in the "Virtual Journals in Science and Technology" series; and free publications APS News and Physical Review Focus.

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Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. Business Source Premier is superior to the competition in full text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.

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Database includes extensive coverage of general chemistry and chemistry-related disciplines such as biochemistry, materials science, physical chemistry, pharmacy and chemical engineering. It indexes over 8,000 journals, patents worldwide, technical reports, conference proceedings, books, and dissertations, and contains over 16 million abstracts. To get an access you need individual account - contact Electronic Resources department This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Ebook Central provides access to Academic Complete, a collection of scholarly ebooks from 2000-present. Includes many university and academic publishers, over 85 thousand of publications.

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EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet. It offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers. The comprehensive databases range from general reference collections to specially designed, subject-specific databases for public, academic, medical, corporate and school libraries.

Consists 19 individual databases: Academic Search Complete, AHFS Consumer Medication Information, Agricola, Business Source Complete, Environment Complete, ERIC, European Views of the Americas, GreenFILE, Health Source – Consumer Edition, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Library Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), Master File Premier, MEDLINE, Newspaper Source, Regional Business News, Teacher Reference Center, World Textiles.

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Provides full-text access to approximately 1,500 journals, and hundreds of ebooks published by Elsevier. Indexes and abstracts articles from more than 1,800 journals.

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ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, contains more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents dating back to 1966.

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This bibliographic database is a valuable index for libraries, scholars and individuals interested in European works that relate to the Americas. EBSCO Publishing, in cooperation with the John Carter Brown Library, has created this resource from “European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750,” the authoritative bibliography that is well-known and respected by scholars worldwide. The database contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750.

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GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records.

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This database is the richest collection of consumer health information available to libraries worldwide, providing information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. Health Source: Consumer Edition provides access to nearly 80 full text, consumer health magazines.

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Provides full-text journal articles, conference papers, and technical standards published by IEEE and the IEE. Emphasis is on electrical engineering, computer science, and information systems.


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The INIS collection is one of the world's largest collections of published information on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. In addition to having over 3.3 million bibliographic records, it also offers online access to a unique set of non conventional literature (NCL) of over 280,000 full-text documents, such as scientific and technical reports, conference proceedings, patents and theses, not available through commercial channels.

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IOP Publishing (previously Institute of Physics Publishing) is the publishing company of the Institute of Physics. It provides publications through which scientific research is distributed worldwide, including journals, community websites, magazines, conference proceedings and books.

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Journal performance metrics and citation data for sciences and social sciences fields. Provides quantifiable statistical information based on citation data. Helps determine a publication’s impact and influence in the global research community. Includes journal and category data.

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Knovel is an interactive, full-text database of technical information and science and engineering books.

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Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 560 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and nearly 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.

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Designed specifically for public libraries, this multidisciplinary database provides full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals with full-text information dating as far back as 1975. Covering virtually every subject area of general interest, MasterFILE Premier also contains full text for nearly 500 reference books and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps & flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCOhost.

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An electronic publication of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. Over 100,000 new items are added each year, most of them classified according to the Mathematics Subject Classification. Continuing in the tradition of the paper publication, Mathematical Reviews (MR), which was first published in 1940, expert reviewers are selected by a staff of professional mathematicians to write reviews of the current published literature; over 40,000 reviews are added to the database each year.

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MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree, tree hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals.

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Provides electronic access to the entire family of Nature journals from the Nature Publishing Group (NPG). Nature journals are some of the most prestigious scientific journals published. Cutting edge research appearing in this journal is often cited in various media reports.

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Provides access to journal articles in a number of databases across all subject areas, with particular strengths in business and the social sciences. Databases include ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry, Agriculture Journals, Career and Technical Education , Computing, Dissertations & Theses A&I, Education Journals , Nursing & Allied Health Source, Research Library, Science Journals, Social Science Journals,Telecommunications.

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We would like to kindly inform you that access to the Reaxys database is possible only from the Lodz University of Technology or via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel. Due to the technical issues, it is not possible to log in outside the TUL's network

Reaxys provides extensive coverage of information in organic, inorganic and organometalic chemistry. It provides access to millions of chemical structures, reactions, and properties contained in the Beilstein and Gmelin databases as well as organic chemistry information drawn from selected English-language chemical patents (US, WO, EP, 1976-).

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Provides electronic access to scholarly journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Provides full-text articles from Science magazine, the noted weekly journal of science research, news, and discussion, as well as Science Now, a daily news briefing for the sciences, both published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

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Provides full-text access to approximately 1,500 journals, and hundreds of ebooks published by Elsevier. Indexes and abstracts articles from more than 1,800 journals.

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Provides integrated access to Chemical Abstracts (over 19 million records covering the worldwide chemical literature, including patents, from 1967-), REGISTRY (25 million substance records, with chemical structures and names), and CASREACT (3 million organic reactions, 1985-present). Search by topic, author, chemical identification terms (names, formulas, and registry numbers), and chemical structures. To get an access you need individual account on the server. Registration is only possible from TUL IP addresses (link to registration) and using email addresses in the TUL domain.

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Abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources in the fields of Medicine, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. The database also provides information on citation analysis for specific articles, authors, and journal metrics.

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Provides electronic access to over 1,600 journals and hundreds of ebooks published by Springer-Verlag in chemical sciences, economics, environmental sciences, life sciences, law, medicine, computer science, engineering, geosciences, mathematics, and physics.

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Provides access to the full text from over 350 peer-reviewed academic journals, plus a backfile stretching back to 1997, where available.

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Web of Science (Clarivate) is premier research platform for information in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Databases include Web of Science Core Collection, BIOSIS Citation Index, Current Contents Connect, Current Chemical Reactions, Data Citation Index, Derwent Innovations Index, MEDLINE, Zoological Record, Journal Citation Reports. There are also useful tools available, such as EndNote, ResearcherID and Essential Science Indicators.

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Provides full-text access to approximately 800 journals in a variety of disciplines published by Wiley, as well as over 1,700 ebooks.