Services and databases to which the Library offers free access by subscription or license can be used from computers connected to the university network (devices in the Main Library and branch libraries, in the faculties of TUL, in dormitories, etc.) and from reader’s devices which are connected to EDUROAM wireless network. Remote access is also possible via a VPN.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - W - Z
Go to databases and services subscribed to by the Library – Go to databases and services open to the public
A multidisciplinary, full-text database of academic publications, available as part of the EBSCOhost Web service. Includes texts from journals published in English and local languages of North America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, Latin America. More than half of the journals are listed in the major citation indexes.
It is a more extensive version of the Academic Search Complete database, available in 2018.
AccessEngineering is a reference and teaching platform in the field of engineering. It contains interdisciplinary content integrated with analytical tools for learning and teaching. It facilitates real-world problem solving, curriculum planning and delivery, and helps you find relevant information faster. The database gives access to full-text monographs and textbooks, videos, interactive tables, graphics and illustrations.
AccessEngineering also offers features that are only available by creating a personal account.
Personal accounts are optional and are not required to view any content on the site. However, they are not a substitute for authentication through your institution: you must be logged in through your institution to use AccessEngineering.
To register a free personal account, please:
- click on the "My Account" button on the yellow background at the top of the page – the access management window will then open, showing the name of your institution
- select "Log in via email/username".
- go to the "Register" tab
- enter the data required for registration (e.g. name, email address) and password.
Personal account features include:
- creating notifications for saved searches, new content
- spreadsheet updates
- adding bookmarks or labels to content to organise it and retrieve it easily
- selecting interests to receive updates when new content is added in these areas.
A collection of publications on computer science and the application of information technology.
The ACM DL collection includes:
- scientific journals,
- conference materials,
- bulletins,
- multimedia presentations.
Bibliographic-abstract database containing bibliographic records from the US Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, available through the EBSCOhost Web service.
Scope of the base:
- agricultural biotechnology
- plant cultivation
- animal husbandry
- forestry
- ecology
- nutrition
- agricultural economics.
Contains citations for:
- journal articles
- book chapters
- theses
- audiovisual materials
- monographs
- patents
- software
- technical reports.
Collection of e-journals published by the American Chemical Society in the fields of chemistry, biology, biochemistry, physics, medicine and environmental protection.
Library of Lodz University of Technology offers access to journals from the suite:
- ACS Web Editions (collections from 1996),
- ACS Legacy Archives (archive collections to 1995).
More on access to the ACS Publications collection visit the WBN website.
A collection of e-journals published by the American Institute of Physics in the field of physics.
The Library of Lodz University of Technology offers access to titles:
- American Journal of Physics,
- Applied Physics Letters,
- Biointerphases,
- Chaos,
- Journal of Applied Physics,
- Journal of Chemical Physics,
- Journal of Mathematical Physics,
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
- Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A,
- Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B,
- Physics of Fluids,
- Physics of Plasmas,
- Physics Today,
- Review of Scientific Instruments,
- Surface Science Spectra.
A collection of e-journals published by the American Physical Society in the field of physics.
The Library of Lodz University of Technology offers access to titles:
- Physical Review Letters,
- Reviews of Modern Physics,
- Physical Review A-E,
- Physical Review Applied,
- Physical Review Fluids,
- Physical Review Materials,
- PROLA (Physical Review Online Archive),
- Physical Review X,
- PRX Energy,
- PRX Life,
- PRX Quantum,
- Physical Review Research,
- Physical Review Accelerators and Beams,
- Physical Review Physics Education Research,
- Physics.
BIBLIO ebookpoint is a service based on the principles of a traditional library transferred to the web. It is based on the content offered by well-known publishing houses, including the Helion Group, but also – small, niche publishers. The range of literature available to TUL users includes the IT-Tech package. It is possible to purchase access to additional publications suggested by users.
In addition to e-books, BIBLIO ebookpoint also offers audiobooks and video courses.
In order to make use of the available resources, you need to create an account on the BIBLIO website and enter your e-mail address in the domain of the Lodz University of Technology as your login. Once your account has been activated, you can add any number of titles to your account for a period of 14 days. At the end of this time, the titles are automatically returned from the reader's account.
Instructions for creating an account
The service requires individual registration both when using a computer within the University network and when accessing from outside the TUL. To use the service from a computer within the Lodz University of Technology IP range, you must:
- go to the service’s website
- enter your data – use an e-mail address from the TUL e-mail domain
- confirm the creation of an account – click on the activation link sent to the e-mail address given in the registration form.
To borrow an e-book and access the full text, you need to log in to your BIBLIO ebookpoint account.
Full-text database covering business and economic sciences, available through the EBSCOhost Web service. Includes journals published in English and in local languages of North America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, Latin America. The database also collects case studies, economic reports, country reports, SWOT analyses, company profiles, interviews with experienced entrepreneurs and analysts introducing students to the tasks they will face in the future.
Subjects covered by the database include:
- accounting
- administration
- banking
- economics
- finance
- human resources management
- management
- marketing
- sales.
It is a more extensive version of the Business Source Complete database, available in 2018.
Free database containing millions of chemical structures (properties, publications, patents).
Search by:
- chemical name of the compound
- market name of the compound
- Registry Number
- structural formula
- SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification) structure notation
- International Chemical Identifier (InChl).
A digital library containing the collections of Lodz academic libraries, including the Lodz University of Technology. The collection of the TUL includes digital objects that formed the first digital library in the Lodz region eBiPoL (2005-2012) and items added on an ongoing basis.
CYBRA provides access to:
- books (academic textbooks, scripts)
- journals (periodicals published in the 19th and 20th centuries, digitised microfiche)
- publications of the Lodz University of Technology (monographs and scientific dissertations of the TUL, scripts and textbooks of the TUL, "Życie uczelni" ("Life of the University"), contents of the bibliography of publications of Lodz University of Technology employees
- varia (books for the Disabled Persons Office of the Lodz University of Technology)
- exhibitions (postcards, Christmas cards).
Access to the collection is free of charge, full-text (although there are some publications that can only be used within the TUL network). Digital objects can be downloaded in PDF format – within the scope of the licence granted by the author or applicable copyright legislation.
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Investment: CYBRA Lodz Regional Digital Library
Project no: WND-RPLD.04.02.00-00-026/13
Beneficiary: Lodz University of Technology
Partner: Medical University of Lodz
European Funds for the Development of the Lodz Region
Ebook Central is a multidisciplinary platform for books available in full text. Provides e-books on a wide range of topics from the world's top publishers.
Allows for quick and easy:
- searching for relevant e-books and chapters
- online reading
- intra-text search
- marking up, annotating and bookmarking your borrowed online copy
- downloading e-books and chapters to a laptop or mobile device.
In order to use all the functionalities of the website, you need to create an individual account with your Lodz University of Technology domain e-mail address as your login.
You can save and/or print a limited number of pages from each book. After creating an account, it is also possible to borrow a book (usually for 14 days) – it is required to install the free Adobe Digital Editions software. You then gain the possibility to use the book without access to the Internet (the book works only on the computer to which it was downloaded).
EBSCO or EBSCOhost Web service to be more precise, provides access to, among other things:
- full-text scientific journals,
- company profiles,
- newspapers,
- monographs,
- SWOT analyses.
As part of its national licence, TUL offers the use of full-text and bibliographic (abstract) databases covering a wide range of fields, including the following sciences:
- scientific,
- technical,
- humanities,
- social,
- economic,
- medical and biomedical,
- and business.
Individual account
Remote access to EBSCO databases, from computers outside the Lodz University of Technology, is possible after registration of an individual EBSCO account.
The user independently creates an individual account on the EBSCOhost platform using the e-mail address in the domain of the Lodz University of Technology ( for registration.
Individual accounts registered by 31 December 2024 by an administrator from the Library of the Lodz University of Technology have been transferred to the new platform and will still remain active.
Full-text databases:
- Academic Search Ultimate,
- Business Source Ultimate,
- Regional Business News
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition,
- Health Source: Consumer Edition,
- MasterFILE Premier,
- Newspaper Source.
Bibliographic databases:
- GreenFILE,
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts,
- Teacher Reference Center,
- European Views of the Americas (1493–1750).
Alternative access via Biblioteka Nauki service: Go to database
Elsevier's collection of e-journals and books (available on the ScienceDirect platform) in the fields of engineering, mathematics and science, medicine, chemistry, physics, economics and sociology.
Detailed information on how to access the Elsevier collection
A database – available through the EBSCOhost Web service – covering topics such as:
- ecosystems
- ecology
- energy and its sources
- natural resources
- water management
- environmental pollution
- waste management
- environmental technology
- law and government policy
- social effects
- geography
- agriculture
- urban planning.
Contains bibliographic records from US and international scientific journals since 1888.
A bibliographic database – available as part of the EBSCOhost Web service – indexing journals in the field of education. Contains citations and abstracts from journals and full texts from education studies.
A database – available through the EBSCOhost Web service – with indexes and abstracts and open access publications. Contains information from extensive research on all aspects of human impact on the environment.
Logging in outside of TUL network
After accessing the EBSCO service, please select EBSCOhost Web and search for GreenFILE in the list of databases.
A database – available as part of the EBSCOhost Web service – with material related to health in the broadest sense (including medicine, food technology and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine), containing abstracts and full-text journal articles and reports.
The IBUK Libra platform is part of the PWN Scientific Publishers. The platform provides access to electronic publications and educational resources of the PWN Group and several hundred other publishers.
IBUK Libra does not require the installation of special software. The service can be used in any web browser on a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. It is recommended to use the most up-to-date versions of browsers.
The possibilities offered by the service include:
- 24/7 access to the virtual reading room from anywhere
- quick preview of full texts
- possibility of suggesting the purchase of publications for the Library.
After creating an individual myIBUK account and logging in, the user can use the myIBUK shelf and advanced tools for working with the text (e.g. marking passages, creating notes and tagging).
Books available to the Library can be read on devices connected to the Lodz University of Technology network – also remotely, after logging into the Lodz University of Technology network via VPN.
Access to individual items is limited to 5 users at any one time.
A collection of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) publications and Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) conference proceedings in electrical engineering, electronics and computer science, as well as E&T (IET) magazine.
The database includes:
- scientific journals,
- conference proceedings,
- technical standards,
- e-books,
- educational courses.
The 'Subscribed Content' option allows you to limit your search results to documents available in full text.
For details on how to access the IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) collection visit the WBN website.
Go to database – individual registration required.
InCites – a tool from Clarivate – enables bibliometric analysis based on data indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection since 1980.
The tool provides a dataset in the form of graphs and tables covering data and indicators compiled from three sources:
- reputation research,
- demographic and financial information from the analysed institutions,
- information on journals, publications and citations.
In addition, it allows analyses of the scientific output of individual researchers or specific organisations to be carried out geographically or by research field.
Registration is required (e-mail addresses from the TUL domain). Users who have created an account on the Web of Science platform thus have access to the InCites tool.
Access from computers outside of Lodz University of Technology
On the site, the user registers independently from TUL network. On the InCites login page, select the ‘Register’ option and then fill in a short form (please provide an e-mail address from TUL domain). In this case, creating an account on the Web of Science platform also means gaining access to InCites.
The database is available at one workstation in the Osman Achmatowicz’s Library of Chemistry.
It contains texts of Polish standards related to construction, primarily documents from ICS groups: 91 and 93, Polish Standards, information on draft Polish Standards, construction industry standards (BN) and consolidated legal acts (laws and regulations) related to construction.
Time span: since 1997.
A collection of e-journals published by the Institute of Physics and other institutions and publishers collaborating with the IOP (made available on the IOP Science platform) in the fields of physics, materials science, biotechnology, astronomy and astrophysics, environmental sciences and mathematics.
Detailed information on accessing the IOP Science collection on the WBN website.
The Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database is a journal citation ranking created by Clarivate which provides a structured, objective method to evaluate the world’s most important scientific journals. It collects and collates the number of citations and articles in the sciences and social sciences. It is based on data collected in the Web of Science database.
The database presents information for the substantive evaluation of scientific journals, taking into account indicators such as, for example, the Impact Factor (IF) of journals and the Five Year Impact Factor (5-year IF).
The database is published once a year (at the end of June/beginning of July).
Access from computers outside of Lodz University of Technology
The user registers on the site independently from TUL network. On the Journal Citation Reports page, select the ‘Register’ option and then fill in a short form (please provide an e-mail address from TUL domain). Users who have created an account on the Web of Science platform thus have access to Journal Citation Reports.
The Knovel Library database is an online collection of textbooks, books, databases, technical publications and conference proceedings from scientific societies and publishers, including:
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Cambridge University Press
- McGrawHill
- Wiley
- Springer
- Elsevier
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Rapra
- Hanser
- Synapse.
The database contains publications in chemistry, life sciences, engineering and material sciences, as well as interactive tools (Interactive Equations, Unit Converter, Periodic Table). It is divided into thematic packages. The Lodz University of Technology Library has not purchased access to the entire contents of the database, which means that not all books will be available in full text.
Individual account
The user registers independently from a computer belonging to the Lodz University of Technology domain. On the publisher's website you need to:
- click on "Login"
- select "Create Account"
- complete the short form (ATENTION: only email addresses from the university server are accepted)
- tick the box "I accept the Knovel Terms & Conditions and Knovel Privacy Policy"
- click "Create Account"
- click "Activate Account" when an email arrives to activate your account.
The Knovel platform is integrated with LMS systems (systems that enable the creation and storage of materials for remote learning, comprehensively managing the whole process) such as Blackboard, Canvas and Moodle. Resources placed in folders created in My Knovel can be easily added to both LMS systems and to a website.
The Virtual Library of Science (Wirtualna Biblioteka Nauki – WBN) website has a subject browser and search engine for books – published by Elsevier, Springer and Wiley publishers – available under national licences. These are publications from selected years, but it is intended to eventually include all books available under Elsevier, Springer and Wiley national licences.
The search engine allows you to select a subject area and sub-discipline. A link to the full text of the book goes directly to the site of the respective publisher. Access to the full texts from computers outside the TUL requires a login to the service of the respective publisher.
In the Legal Information System LEX Omega Akademia, the user may, according to various criteria, search for acts (groups of acts), judicial decisions, quotations from legal publications, writs, bibliography and other documents, as well as search for announcements, contact details, indicators.
Furthermore, they will find comprehensive information on the selected act, including case-law, literature and writs for the act. In addition, the 'Kalendarium' option allows a date range to be selected, providing information on changes in the legal system for the selected moment or period of the past (back to 1918).
Once on the site, click on the banner with the word 'LEX'.
A bibliographic database indexing journals, books and reports in library science, scientific information, bibliometrics, etc.
Once on the EBSCO website, select EBSCOhost Web and search for Library Information Science & Technology Abstracts in the list of databases.
A subject-wide, popular science database of journals, books, images and other reference materials, available through the EBSCOhost Web service. It offers abstracts and full texts from popular science journals, developed with public libraries in mind.
The database includes journals on general, business, health care and multicultural issues.
A specialised bibliographic and abstract database created by The American Mathematical Society, containing abstracts and reviews of publications in mathematics (broadly viewed mathematics and its applications), computer science and statistics. The database contains information on articles from scientific journals.
The database contains references to hundreds of journals and direct links to original articles, as well as reviews, abstracts, citations and bibliographic information.
The database makes it possible to determine the number of citations for individual authors from the year 2000 (partially from 1997) to the present.
Alternative access via Web of Science: Go to database
Once in the Web of Science service, change the Web of Science database to Medline in the "Search in" field.
An abstract database – available as part of the EBSCOhost Web service – in medical science, healthcare, veterinary medicine and medical-related fields. It is compiled by the US National Library of Medicine. It covers publications from 1966 to the present.
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) journal with review articles, analyses and research results from a variety of scientific fields. Most articles represent the highly specialised fields of medicine, physics, biology and botany, geography, chemistry, social and sociological sciences. ‘Nature's’ national licence allows access to the current year's issue and four years of archival issues.
"Nature’ is one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific journals in the world. It was founded in 1869 by physicist Norman Lockyer. Unlike the vast majority of scientific journals – which tend to be highly specialised – ‘Nature’ reports discoveries from all fields of natural science and engineering. The journal has for years had one of the highest Impact Factors in the category of scientific journals. It is published as a weekly journal by Nature Publishing Group, a company owned by the British publishing house Macmillan Publishers.
Electronic version of the databases of standards of the Polish Committee for Standardisation including all ICS classifications (International Classification of Standards). The Lodz University of Technology has purchased access for two workstations.
Workstation 1.
From any computer within the TUL network, for one simultaneous user, requires login:
Login: NormyTUL
Password: Biblioteka2021
After logging in, you should:
- find the required standard using the search fields
- click on it to view its details
- locate the 'read' button.
It is important to remember to end the standard search session by logging out of the system using the LOG OUT button. If you close the window without logging out, the system will block you from logging in again for 15 minutes. The login of one user blocks access for other interested readers.
Workstation 2.
Online standards can also be read on site in the TUL Library on the second floor (223 Wólczańska Street).
Printed versions of Polish Standards purchased prior to the 31st of December 2020 are also available for viewing there.
Collection of full-text databases. Lodz University of Technology has access to a package of databases providing access to articles from journals, newspapers and magazines in social, medical and technical sciences, as well as, to dissertation abstracts in the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.
The package purchased by Lodz University of Technology Library includes databases:
- ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry – business journals on industry and trades, finance, insurance, transport, telecommunications and commerce;
- Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection – publications on electronics, aerospace, IT, automation and materials engineering;
- Agriculture & Environmental Science Collection – publications in agriculture, veterinary medicine, nutrition, forestry and related sciences;
- Career & Technical Education Database – publications in the field of career and technical education, covering various areas of professional development;
- Coronavirus Research Database;
- E-book Central;
- Education Database – publications on science and education;
- Nursing & Allied Health Database – collection covering nursing, medical care, biomedicine, alternative therapies;
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Abstracts & Indexes – abstracts of master’s and doctoral dissertations (in selected dissertations allows to preview full text of the first 20 pages);
- Publicly Available Content Database – collects or links to the full text of open-access scholarly publications from a wide range of sources from around the world; also includes content from major subject repositories – such as arXiv – as well as open access journals; includes journal articles, preprints, books, conference proceedings and reports;
- Research Library – a full-text interdisciplinary database containing articles from scientific journals, trade publications and magazines;
- Social Science Database – a collection in the social sciences.
Access from computers outside of Lodz University of Technology
On the site, the user registers independently from TUL network. On the ProQuest website, select ‘My Session’ in the top right-hand corner of the screen, then ‘Create an account’ and fill in a short form (please provide an email address from TUL domain).
The database, created by Elsevier Publishing, contains information on organic, inorganic and organometallic chemistry and related sciences: chemical engineering and medical sciences. It records factual data, properties of elements and substances, information on chemical reactions and compounds, bibliographic data of literature from which information is drawn for the database.
The user MAY create an individual account on the server or use an account previously created on the ScienceDirect or Scopus servers (the account is common to all Elsevier products). Remote access to the resource must then be activated.
The Reaxys database includes the former Beilstein (CrossFire, Reactions, Abstracts, Ecopharm), Gmelin and Patent Chemistry Database.
A collection of e-journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry in the fields of chemistry, biology, biophysics, materials science, medicine and physics.
An American scientific journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, founded in 1880 by Thomas Edison. The journal's primary mission is to publish the latest, particularly momentous discoveries in the natural sciences, as well as any material relating to the role of science in the modern world.
A national licence is available for the current ‘Science’ year's issue, as well as year's issues archived since 1997. In addition, full texts of articles cited in ‘Science’ and published in other scientific journals on the same server are made available.
Under the national licence the users can access the current year’s issue of ‘Science’, as well as issues archived since 1997. In addition, full texts of articles cited in 'Science' and published in other scientific journals on the same server are made available.
Alternative access via Biblioteka Nauki service: Go to database
A platform providing access to e-journals and books published by Elsevier in the technical sciences, mathematical and natural sciences, medical sciences and in chemistry, physics, economics and sociology.
For details on how to access the ScienceDirect platform, see the WBN website.
SciFinder – an abstract database containing information from the fields of biochemistry, physical, inorganic and analytical chemistry, applied chemistry and engineering.
SciFinder, together with Formulus, Analytical Methods and ChemZent (abstracts of articles from the journal Chemisches Zentralblatt), are modules available as part of the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform service under a licence purchased by the TUL.
The platform is a comprehensive resource containing not only bibliographic data (can be searched e.g. by author, document type, etc.), but also information on chemical compounds and reactions. The data comes from selected chemical journals, books, reports and patents.
In addition, the platform allows searching by structural formulae (it is possible to 'draw' the structural formulae of substances), sum formulas, chemical reactions and substance names (these can be found by chemical properties, for example), and searching for suppliers of individual substances.
SciFinder through CAS Full Text Options – ChemPort connects users to platforms containing full-text articles, including texts from platforms to which the TUL has access.
To use the database, users must log in to an individual account on the server. Registration is only possible from within the university IP range (link to registration) and using e-mail addresses in the TUL domain.
The user can access the database while within the university area, and if outside of the TUL area – by using a VPN tunnel (see details).
We recommend watching the recording of the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform training session – a webinar prepared for the Lodz University of Technology.
The service requires individual registration.
SciVal – an analytical tool that uses bibliographic and abstract data from the Scopus database (data since 1996), as well as data on policy, patents, media information and grants awarded. Provides access to research results from research institutions around the world.
It offers advanced tools for analysing data on the Lodz University of Technology and other scientific entities from around the world, taking into account the number of publications, citations, individual researchers, cooperation with other academic centres and competences (analysis of the strengths of the institution in terms of research).
SciVal allows you to:
- visualise research results – a summary of research performance from any research units, allowing you to identify research strengths and interdisciplinary research areas
- benchmark your progress – compare the performance of any institutions, countries and predefined groups or create your own research areas and monitor your progress
- develop partnerships – identify and analyse existing and potential opportunities for collaboration based on publication output and citations.
Scopus is a multidisciplinary bibliographic and abstract database produced by Elsevier. It contains abstracts and citations in the mathematical and natural sciences, engineering, medicine and humanities. The database searches articles from journals, books, conferences and patents. Information about the current content of the database can be found on the publisher’s website.
The subject matter of the database is broad and includes such areas as:
- biology,
- business,
- chemistry
- economics,
- electronics,
- electrical engineering,
- physics,
- engineering,
- materials engineering
- mathematics,
- earth sciences,
- natural sciences,
- social sciences,
- psychology,
- agriculture,
- sociology,
- environment,
- management,
- health.
The database contains citation information of individual authors.
Platform for technical journals in Polish. The Library offers select journal titles of the publisher in print (their availability can be checked in the computer catalogue) and additionally provides access to full-text journals in electronic version on the SIGMA-NOT platform.
Alternative access via Biblioteka Nauki service: Go to database
A platform providing access to e-journals and books published by Springer in the sciences, technology and medicine, the humanities and social sciences.
Detailed information on how to access the Springer Nature Link platform on the WBN website.
Journals: Go to database
Books: Go to database
A collection of e-journals and books in the fields of engineering, technology, natural sciences, medicine, mathematics and the humanities and social sciences.
The Library of Lodz University of Technology offers access to:
- journals from the Science & Technology collection,
- selected books on the Taylor & Francis eBooks platform.
The option ‘Only show content I have full access to’ allows you to limit your search results to journals or books available in full text.
See the WBN website for details on accessing the Taylor & Francis collection.
Web of Science (WoS) is a platform and a package of bibliographic and bibliometric databases that contain bibliographic data, abstracts and citation information for publications. The tool allows users to search bibliographic records of journals, conference abstracts and books in the sciences and social sciences, arts and humanities to find high-quality research related to their area of interest. The Web of Science database is developed by Clarivate.
The national academic licence covers the databases:
- Web of Science Core Collection (citation indexes),
- BIOSIS Citation Index,
- Current Contents Connect,
- Data Citation Index,
- Derwent Innovations Index,
- KCI – Korean Journal Database,
- Preprint Citation Index,
- ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index,
- SciELO Citation Index,
- Zoological Record.
Web of Science generates bibliometric indicators – Impact Factor and Hirsch Index – as well as citation counts and analysis.
Web of Science platform grants access to the following tools:
- EndNote – is used to compile an appendix bibliography;
- Essential Science Indicators – breaks down the journals in the Web of Science database into broad categories and indicates the most and fastest cited journal publications in various categories; it also provides a ranking of authors, institutions, countries and journals within disciplines to identify trends and emerging research areas;
- InCites Benchmarking & Analytics – provides the possibility of research analysis;
- Journal Citation Reports – ranking of journal citations;
- Master Journal List – a list of scientific journals and series that have passed the evaluation process and are included by the databases on the Web of Science platform, including only the title of the journal, frequency of publication, ISSN, publisher address and the names of the databases indexing the journal. The list includes journals that have both a calculated Impact Factor and those that do not.
Profiles of researchers on the Web of Science platform
Researcher profiles available on Web of Science have been migrated from the Publons tool.
Changes and queries regarding researcher profiles can be reported directly to Clarivate Support via the form or by emailing or Technical Support – Clarivate Analytics.
Access from computers outside of Lodz University of Technology
The user registers on the site independently from TUL network. On the Web of Science page, select the ‘Register’ option, then fill in a short form (please provide an e-mail address from TUL domain).
Alternative access via Biblioteka Nauki service: Go to database
A platform providing access to e-journals and books from Wiley (formerly Wiley-Blackwell) publishers in the sciences, humanities and social sciences.
For details on how to access the Wiley Online Library platform visit the WBN website.