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Our history

Front budynku Biblioteki Politechniki Łódzkiej

The Library of Lodz University of Technology is the largest centre of scientific and technical information in the Lodz region. The facility has a rich history that is closely linked to the development of Lodz University of Technology itself, founded in 1945. The Library started its activities together with the University, having the difficult task of gathering the collections necessary for scientific and didactic purposes. Over the years, the Library has undergone numerous changes that have allowed it not only to expand its resources but also to adapt to the changing conditions and needs of students and researchers.

The beginnings of the Library of Lodz University of Technology date back to 22 October 1945, when the Library Commission was established and instructed to organise a university library. The nascent Library was allocated a two-room room of about 30 square metres, located at 2 Zwycięstwa Square. Only four people were employed to maintain it. At the end of the year, the Library's book collection amounted to approximately 600 volumes of books. The TUL Library was directly organised and managed by Stanisława Stollowa. At the same time, libraries were being organised at the scientific departments of the University which formed the nucleus of the university's library network. From this nucleus came the present-day TUL Library.
The library has undergone many changes – it has been moved several times and the organisational structure of the unit has also been modified when required. At present, it comprises six departments in the Main Library, two branch libraries and special agencies, i.e. Lodz University of Technology Press and the University Personalisation Centre.

The history of the unit is discussed in detail in the book ‘Lodz University of Technology Library over 60 Years of History’(„Biblioteka Politechniki Łódzkiej ponad 60 lat historii”). It is complemented by a calendar containing the most important events in the history of TUL Library.

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