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Biblio-Art Gallery

Wejście do Galerii, z lewej strony na białej ścianie logo Galerii Biblio-Art


93-005 Lodz, 223, Wólczańska Street (B22 building, 1st floor)


42 631 20 62


Biblio-Art gallery was established in 2007. Its goal became the promotion of the artistic passions of the staff and students of our university and the opportunity to interact with real art while in the library.

Over time, the activities of the gallery have expanded to include the presentation of manifestations of the artistic sensibilities of the academic community of Lodz, the integration of various types of higher education and the introduction of the achievements of individual authors who have different passions and come from different creative areas.

To date, the gallery has organized one hundred and several dozen exhibitions featuring artworks covering such art genres as painting, drawing, graphics, photography (photogravure), sculpture and animated film. Annually, up to a dozen exhibitions by employees and students of Lodz University of Technology, the Władyslaw Strzeminski Academy of Fine Arts and the Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre can be admired here.

Each exhibition is preceded by a vernissage (or concludes with a finissage), during which invited guests have the opportunity to talk with the authors of the works and exchange artistic experiences.

The author of the videos of the exhibition openings, posted on the website is Jacek Szabela, Marcin Szmidt and Multimedia Centre Lodz University of Technology CM.