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Answers to the most frequently asked questions by users of the Library of Lodz University of Technology.

Zdjęcie poglądowe przedstawiające wielki, zielony znak zapytania leżący na pustyni, przed którym stoi mężczyzna.

If the information you are looking for is not among the published answers (or on the website), you can send your question using the Ask a Librarian form.

For ease of reference, questions have been grouped by topic.

First visit

Treść (rozbudowana)
I am here for the first time. What to do? Where should I go?

You should report to the librarian on duty in the lending department (1st floor) or the free access area (ground floor, 1st and 2nd floors) to ask for help with the matter you have come for.

Who can use Lodz University of Technology Library?

Everyone can use Lodz University of Technology Library on site.

The following user groups have the right to borrow externally:

  • BA, MA and PhD students and employees of Lodz University of Technology,
  • postgraduate students of Lodz University of Technology,
  • students and staff of the Public High School of Lodz University of Technology,
  • retired employees of Lodz University of Technology,
  • Senior Professors of Lodz University of Technology,
  • BA, MA and PhD students and employees of other state universities of Lodz,
  • persons who have acquired the status of honorary readers.
How can I enrol to the Library?

The method of enrolling to Lodz University of Technology Library and the documents to be presented when enrolling are set out in the Library Regulations (Section 1.5.3 Library Enrolment).

I am a student of another university. Can I use Lodz University of Technology Library?

Anyone can use the Library on site.

Students from state universities in Lodz can borrow the collection outside. In order to do so, they should bring a valid student card.

Other students may borrow from outside the library through interlibrary loans – through other libraries.

At what hours can I come to the Library?

You can use the Main Library from Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 7.45 p.m. and on part time studies Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

Information on any changes is published at Hours tab.

The opening hours of branch libraries:

The opening hours of the Main Library and branch libraries are subject to change, e.g. during holidays.

Are there spaces in the Library where I can study and relax?

There are spaces set up in TUL Library where you can relax and study (individually or in groups).
On the ground floor there is a reading room and in the free access area there are several secluded study corners – with armchairs, poufs and tables.

On the first floor, there is a dedicated space with desks and comfortable sofas. A bookcrossing bookcase is also located there. In the free access area, individual tables have been set up between the bookcases.

On the second floor, another large space with desks and sofas has been set aside next to the standards and individual tables have been placed between the bookcases. There are also two rooms for individual silent study on this floor.

How do I find a book on the shelf?

Search for a book in the online catalogue. Check in the description whether it is in the Main Library or in any of the branch libraries.
Make a note of the signature number. It contains, among other things, the section according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) to which the book belongs. With the book number, you can find the book on the shelf.
The books are arranged on three floors in free access zones according to the UDC:

  • on the ground floor – signatures from 001 to 1/17,
  • on the first floor – signatures from 303/308 to 63/64,
  • on the second floor – signatures from 654/657 to 93/94.

The book you are looking for is ‘Wytyczne projektowania wykonania i odbioru instalacji z pompami ciepła’ (‘Design guidelines for the execution and acceptance of installations with heat pumps’), signature number 66.01/.09 WYTYCZ.
Signature 66.01/.09 is the UDC section located on the 2nd floor. Therefore, you should go to the second floor and look for section 66.01/.09 in the free access area. There are cards with the section numbers on the shelves or you can ask the librarian on duty for help.
On the bookshelf with the signature 66.01/.09 you should look for books with the letter W, then among them a copy with the term ‘WYTYCZ’.
Books with a red stripe can only be used on site.

More about the arrangement of the collection in the free access areas in the Main Library

In the branch libraries, books are arranged in the reading rooms and free access areas according to the Universal Decimal Classification or the sections corresponding to the specific faculty.


External lending

I have found a book I am interested in on the free access shelf. How can I borrow it?

You can borrow a book at the self-service loan machine or in the lending department. If you have problems using the self-service device, you can ask the librarian on duty for help.

Books will be lent to a person with a valid user account and without due fees to pay (the presence of a book on an account that has not been returned by the due date prevents from lending).

What do I need to bring with me to the Library to pick up a requested book?

The reader should come to the Library with a document that identifies him/her/them in the library system, i.e. a student or doctoral card, an employee card or a library card.

How will I know if a book is available for collection?

When books are ready for collection, the reader will receive an email notification.

Can someone pick up books for me? Can I collect books for a friend?

No. You must collect the books in person.

Can someone return the books for me?

Yes, you can ask someone to return the books for you.

Where can I return borrowed books?

Books must be returned to the Lending Department (handed over to the librarian who returns them from the user's account) or to the book lending machine (only books from the Main Library).

The Main Library does not accept books borrowed from the branch libraries (return must be made to the branch from which the books were borrowed) and vice versa: branch libraries do not accept books borrowed from the Main Library.

How much time do I have to collect my ordered books?

Once you have received an email that the books are ready for collection, you must collect them from the lending department or book lending machine within 3 days.

Information about the expiry date of the reservation is visible in the reader's account.

How many books can I borrow?

Borrowing limits for individual user groups are specified in the specific regulations contained in the Library Regulations.

For how long can I borrow books?

Borrowing times for individual user groups are determined by the specific regulations contained in the Library Regulations.

How can I renew books?

Books can be renewed in person at the Library or online.
You can find instructions on how to extend the book return deadline in your library account at ‘How to use the catalogue’ tab.

I didn't return my books on time. What now?

There is a charge for exceeding the deadline for returning books. The amount of the fee is set out in Appendix 1 of the Library Regulations. Until the fee is paid, the reader's account in the library system is blocked.

What should I do if a borrowed book is lost or damaged?

If a reader has damaged a book, he/she/they is/are obliged to repair the caused damage or to pay a fee indicated by the library committee based on the cost of repair. When the book has been completely destroyed, the procedure of a lost book is applied.

If a reader has lost a book, he/she/they is/are obliged to return an identical book or a more recent edition. The librarian may indicate another book of the same or similar value as the lost work for redemption. If repurchase is not possible, the reader is obliged to pay the calculated amount due. The rules for the calculation of the amount due for lost works are set out in Appendix 2 of the Rules and Regulations of the TUL Library.

PLUM – the peer-to-peer lending project. What is the project about and how can I benefit from it?

PLUM is a project of mutual borrowing of books from the libraries of Lodz University of Technology and the Medical University of Lodz.
The offer is intended for BA, MA and PhD students and employees of TUL and UMED.

To take advantage of the project, all you need to do is:

  • to go to the library of your home university,
  • to have an account set up there,
  • to fill in a form containing consent to the processing of personal data and a commitment to comply with the regulations of the cooperating library.

Then, you can borrow books (8 books for 14 days) from both libraries using your student card, staff card or library card. Readers thus use one card at both TUL and CIB.

If you have any questions, please contact:
TUL User Services Department –
Scientific Information and User Services Department of CIB –

Consent form for personal data processing – Word file (13.4 kB)
Consent form for personal data processing – PDF file (283.92 kB)


Ordering books from other libraries to TUL Library

I need books from another library. Is it possible to order them?

TUL Library orders materials from other Polish and overseas libraries. This only applies to materials on subjects represented in the TUL Library if they are not in the collection and in other libraries in Lodz.
This is handled by the Interlibrary Loan Service Department. It can be used by staff, BA, MA and PhD students of Lodz University of Technology.

To request materials from other libraries, please contact the Interlibrary Loan Service Department (phone: 42 631 20 64, e-mail:

Is there a fee for bringing a book from another library to TUL Library?

In the case of loans from domestic libraries, a fee is charged when the lending library charges for the service.
Ordering material from overseas libraries is charged at the price list of the supplying institution and the cost of postage.


Searching for materials (books, journals, articles, patent descriptions, etc.)

I don't know if the books I'm interested in are in the TUL Library collection. How can I check?

You can check it in the Library's online catalogue.

Details: How to use the catalogue.

I have not found the book I need in the Library catalogue. I don't know if I searched correctly. Who can I ask for help?

You can ask the librarian on duty in the free access areas for help.

I'm having trouble finding publications for my thesis. Who can tell me how to do this step by step?

The librarian on duty in the free access areas can help.

I need to compile a bibliography for my thesis, but I've never done this and don't have all the data. Who can help me?

You might want to have a look at our website under the Appendix Bibliography tab. You can also ask the librarian on duty in the free access areas for help.

I cannot view the full text in the database purchased by TUL Library. Who can help me?

A member of staff at the Electronic Resources Department can help (phone: 42 631 20 51, e-mail



Can materials be scanned and photocopied at TUL Library? Is it possible to print?

It is possible to scan and print and copy in the Library.

Paid self-service photocopiers are located in areas open to users. They allow black and white printing up to A4 and A3 format. In addition, black and white laser printers are made available in the Main Library and in the branches. In the Chemistry Library external photocopiers are made available.

The cost of copying and printing of one page is set out in an appendix to the Library Regulations. The use of the scanners is free of charge.

Can I copy articles and books available in the Library's electronic collections?

When using e-resources, it is compulsory to observe copyright law and the licences granted to the Library by the owners and providers of electronic sources. The rules for the use of sources are described in the Library Regulations.

Bulk electronic and printed copies of records from databases and texts from full-text services are prohibited. Unless otherwise stated in the e-source licence. In practice, depending on the policy of the respective publisher, you may download the entire publication, a fragment of the publication or only read the publication.

Are there any charges for copying and printing?

Yes, copying and printing charges are set out in the Annex to the Library Regulations.

Can I take photos in the reading room?

Yes, you can take photos.


Computers, Internet, Wi-Fi

Where could I use a computer with Internet access?

Computers with Internet access are located in the reading room (ground floor) and in the free access areas.

Can I come with my laptop and connect it to the Internet in the Library?

Yes, you can come with your laptop and connect to the EDUROAM network.

Can I use the services and databases purchased by the Library from my computer at home or elsewhere outside TUL? How could I do this?

You can access e-resources remotely via a VPN connection. Services are made available outside the University also through individual accounts.

Please see the ‘Remote access to resources’ tab for details.


Training, tours, demonstrations

I've passed the library training, but I can't see it on the evaluation sheet. Who can I ask for help?

Please contact the Promotion and Information Department (Main Library, 1st floor, room 101, e-mail, phone: 42 631 20 62).

Can I pass the library training if the test is already closed?

Yes, please contact the Promotion and Information Department (e-mail and ask to be allowed to complete the test.

Does the Library provide training for students on how to search for information in catalogues and databases?

There are obligatory e-learning courses on information searching in catalogues and databases on the WIKAMP platform: 'Library training' and 'Information management'.

Individual instruction can also be arranged (e-mail: and



Where should I go with my so called Circulation Card?

You should go to the lending department with your card.

I haven't found the book I need in the collection. How can I ask the library to buy it?

Book purchase requests should be made using a special form.

The database is not working. Who can help me?

Problems with databases should be reported to the Electronic Resources Department (phone: 42 631 20 51, e-mail

I am a student with a disability. Will I be able to use the Library? What are the inconveniences and facilities?

Yes, people with disabilities can use the Library. Details: Facilities for people with disabilities and Accessibility Statement.


Employees of Lodz University of Technology

Who can I turn to for bibliometric and citation analysis? Who can help me?

For citation analysis and bibliometric analysis, please contact the Electronic Resources Department (phone: 42 631 20 51, e-mail

I would like to submit my publications to the Repository of Lodz University of Technology. Who should I contact on this matter?

In order to submit your publication to the Repository of Lodz University of Technology, you should contact the Digital Resource Creation Department of TUL Library.
In order to submit your publication to the repository please send a request to:

I would like to submit research data to the repository. What should I do?

Please see the Repository of Research Data tab for information.