The number of citations is a measure of the value of a given published paper and the research results. It can refer to the publication in question, to the author’s entire output, to the publication output of the unit. A cited work is a publication that is cited by other authors. It is important that citations should always be considered in the context of scientific disciplines.
Bibliometric analysis can be carried out using such individual databases offered by the Library of Lodz University of Technology as:
- Web of Science,
- Scopus.
It is worth using specialised tools that allow the analysis of bibliometric data:
- InCites,
- SciVal.
Citations can also be checked in Google Scholar. This is one of the largest search engines for scientific texts. The database indexes a wide variety of scientific publications from many fields of study. A key role in this database has been assigned to authors in the humanities and social sciences. The database is a source of data for bibliometric programmes Publish or Perish, Scholarometer, with the help of which, for example, the number of citations is calculated.
The Electronic Collections Department in the Library of Lodz University of Technology provides citation analysis services of scientific publications for staff and units of Lodz University of Technology using two databases: Web of Science and Scopus. The analysis includes calculating the number of citations, determining the Impact Factor value, indicating the Hirsch Index and the point value of the journals according to the ministerial lists.
All interested staff members are kindly requested to contact the Electronic Resources Department of TUL Library: Please send your application at least one week before the deadline for completing the necessary documents.