Lodz University of Technology, via the TUL Library, is a participant in several national (funded entirely and directly by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education) and consortium licences (co-funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and participating institutions). Besides providing access to the publications of a particular publisher, these licenses enable authors affiliated with member institutions to publish openly without incurring costs or on preferential terms.
TUL also provides funding for OPEN ACCESS publications. The funds for this purpose come from the Rector's reserve, and the administrative support is handled by the Research Support Center.
The Regulations for Open Access publication subsidies available on the TUL website.
The TUL Library has prepared lists of journals included in Open Access publishing programs in which TUL participates, with the assignment of scientific disciplines and scores according to the current list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences (Communication of the Minister of Science dated 5.01.2024).
The content has been prepared on the basis of journal lists available in the WBN Directory and on the publishers' websites.
NOTE: individual programs may contain formal restrictions and publication limits. Please refer to the program descriptions below.
In the event of changes in the range of journals covered, the launch of new OA publishing programs or the release of a new ministerial list, the lists will be updated.
Current list of journals in OA publishing programs - 2025 (Status as of 04.03.2025).
Archived list of journals in OA publishing programs – 2024
For questions or comments on the prepared material, please contact the Electronic Resources Department of the TUL Library (oze@lib.p.lodz.pl).
The program is available from January 2025.
It is possible to openly publish an unlimited number of articles in the program. Manuscript eligibility is determined by the date of acceptance.
Accepted types of publications:
- research articles
- review articles
- conference or proceedings papers.
And any other article types in the Licensed Materials for which ACM would otherwise charge an Article Processing Charge.
An author submitting an article for publication in ACM in the open access model must be the corresponding author and use an e-mail address in the domain of Lodz University of Technology in order to receive the correct ACM Open eRights form to complete.
Following submission of their eRights Forms, the corresponding author will receive e-mail confirmation of the acceptance of the forms along with a copy for their records.
A list of journals eligible for open access publication under the ACM open access publishing model is available on the publisher's website.
In 2025 the pool of articles in the program is 437. The pool is not divided between institutions and articles are added to the program in the order in which they are accepted for publication.
The program is intended for corresponding authors affiliated with institutions participating in the consortium. In 2025 the program includes 90 journals published by ACS, including 71 hybrid journals and 19 open journals. The program includes all types of articles except: Additions and Corrections, Expressions of Concern, Retraction, In This Issue, Introducing our Authors.
The program allows authors to publish a certain number of articles accepted for publication in the current year, under a CC-BY licence, free of charge (note: “Manuscript Acceptance Date”, sometimes referred to in articles as “Revised”, is the deciding factor).
Authors sending articles to an ACS journal for review should note that at this stage (“online manuscript submission process”) they complete an online form in which they should select their affiliation from the list of institutions. It is also recommended to use an email address from the institution’s domain. Once an article has been accepted for publication by the publisher, the author receives an email from the publisher with a link to the Journal Publishing Agreement (JPA) form and, if the author has previously indicated an appropriate affiliation, with information about the possibility of participating in the program. In the JPA form the author has the option to choose OA publication with copyright. The author can also waive copyright, which does not exclude them from the program but is not recommended by ICM, or choose to publish in the traditional model. Authors who have received a link to JPA after the acceptance of their article, but without any information about the possibility of participation in the program, can report to ICM at wbn@icm.edu.pl, attaching an active DOI link to the article or, if this link is not active, the page(s) with the title, authors and affiliations from the accepted manuscript.
Information about an accepted article eligible for inclusion in the program is also forwarded by the publisher to the administrator at ICM. The administrator checks that the appropriate affiliation is stated in the article and sends a request to the author to confirm whether the author wishes to participate in the program, and whether the author has chosen to publish OA in the JPA form. If the author has not selected the OA option in the JPA form and wishes to change this, it is possible to change the author's agreement with the publisher before the article is published – at the request of the author or ICM, the publisher can send the author a new link to the JPA form (once the article has been published, changing the JPA is not possible). After receiving confirmation from the author that they have signed the JPA with the OA option selected, the administrator accepts the article's inclusion in the program. Authors using the program can also obtain assistance from ACS at any stage of publication at support@services.acs.org.
Details and updated information on the ACS open access publishing program
The program includes select hybrid journals.
In 2024 the pool of articles in the program is 1013.
The program is active only for publications sent in for review in 2024.
The agreement for Elsevier national licence 2022-2024 includes only program A, i.e. the publication of a limited number of articles exempt from the Article Processing Charge (APC).
The Elsevier 2022-2024 national licence open access publishing program for 2024 has ended. The pool of 1013 articles has been exhausted. Last updated 23.10.2024.
Which journals and what types of articles are included in the program?
Program A includes hybrid journals from 7 Science Direct subject collections in accordance with the limits of the national licence introduced in December 2022: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Health Sciences, Immunology and Microbiology, Mathematics, and Physics and Astronomy; as well as the Lancet group. The program does not include gold open access journals and select journals co-published by Elsevier, in which open access publications are funded under special terms and cannot be implemented in the national program. The programs include the following types of articles: Case Reports, Data, Full Length Articles, Micro Articles, Software, Reviews, Replication Study, Short Communications, Short Surveys, Videos, Practice Guidelines and Protocols, see types description.
Which fees are covered by the program?
The only fee covered by the program is the Article Processing Charge (APC). Authors publishing in program A are exempt from the APC fee, depicted by Elsevier in the Rights and Access form as a 100% discount. The catalogue APC fees (without discount) are available on the publisher’s website, but the price list presents only data regarding the basic type of article “Full Length Article”, and does not take into account additional discounts to the APC that may be applied by the editors. Binding information regarding the APC fee for a specific article, before and after the A and B program discount, becomes visible to the author after the article is accepted for publication, in the Rights and Access form described below in the “When and how can an article be submitted to the program?” section.
Certain journals charge additional fees, e.g. related to the number of pages (“Page Charges”), a fee for accepting the manuscript (“Submission Fee”) or for additional services that may be requested by the author (prints, colour illustrations in print, etc.). Such fees are described in the instructions for authors on the homepages of individual journals, as well as indicated in the correspondence with the editor, or on a special page to which the author is directed by the editor once the article has been accepted for publication. Those fees are not indicated in the Rights and Access form described below, which shows only the APC fee. Additional charges are settled between the journal and the author on the basis of a separate invoice. The “Page Charges” fee applies independently of an open or subscription publication model, and when publishing in any journal the author should check the current rules on the journal’s website.
Who and from which institution can participate in the program?
The program is intended for corresponding authors affiliated with institutions that are included in the Elsevier national license, and have set up an administrative account for verifying their authors’ affiliations in the Elsevier Open Access Platform system (EOAP), see list of institutions. In accordance with the agreement, the corresponding author is the only author to manage the publication process of the article, from sending it until the approval, and who maintains correspondence on this matter with Elsevier.
When and how can an article be submitted to the program?
The program is available for articles submitted to journals in 2024 and can only be joined after the article has been accepted for publication, as long as the pool of publications in the program has not been exhausted (information about the available discount, which the authors see when submitting the manuscript to a journal, is merely a signal that the publication meets the basic criteria of the program). The corresponding author whose article has been reviewed and accepted for publication receives a link to the Rights and Access form from Elsevier. The form is used for selecting a publication in a subscription or open (gold open access) model, and enables Polish authors to participate in the program. In the form, an organization consistent with the corresponding author’s affiliation or one of their affiliations on the title page of the article must be indicated. If the organization, journal and type of article are included in the Polish program, the form will automatically display to the author the option for an open publication in the program. If the article is eligible for the program and the pool for this program is not exhausted at the time of completing the form, the form will display the option to waive the APC fee, see the program form presentation. After the available pool is exhausted, despite the initial selection of the open model, the articles will be published in the subscription model.
If the open access publication option is chosen, the author must also select the type of licence later in the form: CC-BY, CC-BY-NC-ND or CC-BY-NC. The author can select a licence of their own choosing, but it should be noted that a CC-BY licence is required in Plan S, of which NCN is one of the signatories, see information on the NCN website. Once the author selects the option for an open publication in the program, the article will be sent for verification, after which the author will receive a further email informing them of the outcome of the verification.
Note: the author may choose to publish the article traditionally, free of charge ("subscription" option) and this will not result in any restriction of future access to the program.
How are the articles submitted to the program verified?
Information about the article submitted to the program is sent by Elsevier to the institution’s local administrator, who through the account in the EOAP system verifies whether the author is affiliated with the institution and has indicated that affiliation on the title page of the article. In case of doubt, the local administrator will contact the author.
The local administrator for the program at TUL is the Electronic Resources department of the TUL Library (contact information at the bottom of the page).
Where can you find help regarding the program?
All questions regarding the program can be directed to Elsevier publishing at support@elsevier.com and to WBN at wbn@icm.edu.pl. In case of issues with the publication of a particular article, it is advisable to provide the DOI identifier in the correspondence, if it is already assigned to the article. Information about the Polish program is also available on the Elsevier website. In addition, you can watch webinar recordings for authors on the principles of publishing in Elsevier's Open Access model under the National License: Elsevier author journey.
Details and updated information on the Elsevier national open access publishing program
The program includes all hybrid and Gold Open Access journals.
A deposit made by the Library of Lodz University of Technology enables corresponding authors from TUL to publish a limited number of Open Access articles without incurring APC costs.
Information about the current state of the deposit - Electronic Resources department of the TUL Library (contact information at the bottom of the page).
At the stage of submitting a publication for review, the corresponding author should indicate Lodz University of Technology as their affiliation and, once the article has been accepted by the publisher, indicate our University as the funder of the publication on the RightsLink platform.
The program is intended for corresponding authors affiliated with institutions participating in the consortium that have solicited and prepaid for themselves the publication of a specified number of articles. The program includes all IEEE open and hybrid journals, see the IEEE Open page.
Authors interested in participating in the program should indicate the relevant affiliation at the stage of sending the article for review (the author does not receive automatic notifications about the possibility of participating in the program) and then, once they have received notification that the article has been accepted for publication, use the RightsLink system, where they can select funding from the pool of articles funded by their institution, see guide for authors. Information about the article is directed to the local program administrator at the institution, who approves the publication of the article in the program. The IEEE licence with the publishing program is coordinated by the publisher's exclusive representative, Ebsco, contact person: Anna Abramowska AAbramowska@ebsco.com.
The local administrator for the program at TUL is the Electronic Resources department of the TUL Library (contact information at the bottom of the page).
Additional links:
IEEE Open – list of journals and other general information
IEEEAuthor Center – instructions for authors
RightsLink – publication funding management system
Author posting guidelines – rules for disseminating articles
Details and updated information on the IEEE open access publishing program
The program includes all hybrid and Gold Open Access journals.
In 2025 the pool of articles in the program is unlimited.
The program is intended for corresponding authors affiliated with institutions participating in the IOP consortium. In 2025 the program includes hybrid and fully open access IOP journals and all types of publications. The program allows for an unlimited number of articles accepted for publication in the current year to be published under a CC-BY licence without charge.
IOP recognizes articles eligible for the program based on the affiliation provided by the corresponding author in the form when submitting the manuscript to the journal, and sends the article information to ICM once the article is accepted for publication. After verifying that the appropriate affiliation is stated in the article, ICM confirms the article's inclusion in the program. Under the new system introduced by IOP in 2021, the author completes an additional form either during the review process or immediately after the article is accepted. In this form, the author has the option to choose OA publication in the program and with copyright. If the author opts out of OA publication or notifies the publisher that they want to use another source to cover the costs, the article does not get included in the program. Authors who do not receive an OA publication proposal in the program with their accepted article may contact ICM at wbn@icm.edu.pl attaching the page(s) with the title, authors and affiliations from the accepted manuscript. A brochure prepared by the publisher about the program and information about the program on the publisher's website are also available.
Details and updated information on the IOP open access publishing program
Lodz University of Technology is also a participant in the IOAP program (Institutional Open Access Program) by the MDPI publisher, so authors affiliated with the University can obtain a 10% discount on the APC fee – simply select its name on the list of included institutions when submitting your manuscript. Additional information can be found at Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP).
The program is available from January 2024.
The Read & Publish program includes hybrid journals available in the RSC's subscribed collection. Participating journals can be found listed in the "Hybrid journals" section of the RSC website.
The pool of articles in the program is unlimited.
Full details of the program can be found on the publisher's website, where a search engine for RSC journals is also available.
The program is an addition to the national licence for access to the Science journal. The Science journal operates only in the subscription model, and a separate open-access journal, Science Advances, is intended for open access.
In 2023 the pool of articles in the program is 10.
The offer is available to corresponding authors affiliated with Polish institutions included in the Science license, who indicated this affiliation on the title page of the article. The publisher self-identifies such articles, but corresponding authors whose articles have been accepted for publication may also contact ICM at wbn@icm.edu.pl in order to participate in the program.
Details and updated information on the Science Advances open access publishing program
In 2025 the pool of articles in the program is unlimited.
Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3) is an international consortium that funds open scientific publications in the field of particle physics.
The program includes select journals from publishers: APS, Springer, Elsevier, IOP, OUP and the Jagiellonian University, see scoap3.org. The journals are fully or partially funded by SCOAP3.
Scientists from all over the world can publish in these journals and do not incur any individual fees.
Details and updated information on the SCOAP3 open access publishing program
The program includes select hybrid journals.
In 2024 the pool of articles in the program is 1466.
Due to the exhaustion of the pool of available articles in 2024, the OA Springer 2024 programme has been closed. A resumption of the programme will be possible in the first quarter of next year after the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education has granted funding for 2025 and after signing a new contract with the publisher.
The program enables authors affiliated with Polish academic institutions to publish open access articles under a CC-BY licence (or alternatively CC-BY-NC if specifically requested by the author) in Springer hybrid journals. The costs of publishing articles in the program are covered by the Springer national licence fee with funds from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Who can participate in the program?
The program is intended for corresponding authors affiliated with institutions that are included in the Springer national license, and have set up an administrative account Article Approval Service (AAS) for verifying their authors’ affiliations, see list of institutions. The affiliation of the corresponding author should be stated in the headline of the article with sufficient precision to clearly identify it on the above list. A corresponding author may provide more than one affiliation in an article, and it is sufficient that at least one of them is consistent with the list. The affiliation of any co-authors of the article is not relevant to the program.
Which journals and what types of articles are included in the program?
The program includes journals from the Springer core collection and ADIS journals, see catalogue 2024. The program does not include BioMed Central or SpringerOpen open journals. The program includes the following article types: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication and Continuing Education. It does not include Editorial Notes, News, Letters.
How to participate in the program?
After the article has been accepted for publication the corresponding author receives an email with a link, allowing them to finalize the publication process. The link takes you to a page where you have to click 'Request login email' (see presentation, page 3), after which the author will receive a second email with a link to the Open Access Systems Solution form. In the form, the corresponding author must indicate his or her affiliation (see presentation, page 5) on a list of institutions included in open access publishing agreements with Springer. The selected affiliation must be one of the author's affiliations stated in the article. The list in the form shows English names of Polish institutions, but selecting from this list serves only to confirm the author's affiliation, while the article may contain the name of the institution in any language version. If, at the time of completing the form, the pool of articles in the program for a given year is not yet exhausted and the system recognises the selected institution as belonging to the program, the form will display the information “Open access at no cost to you” (see presentation, page 6), which refers to the national agreement including all Polish academic institutions registered for the Springer licence. After clicking on 'Yes, submit for approval', the article information will be sent to the local administrator at the institution for affiliation verification. The author will be notified of the result of the verification by email (see presentation, page 9). Acceptance of the publication in the OA program means that the cost of the publication will be covered by the national licence fee, funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The procedure described above is used by Springer to handle most hybrid journals, with the exception of some journals that have been marked as non-standard in the list of journals in column F. In the case of these journals, the corresponding author will receive special instructions on how to proceed from the editors. Also in this case, the article information will be sent to the local administrator at the institution for affiliation verification.
The local administrator for the program at TUL is the Electronic Resources department of the TUL Library (contact information at the bottom of the page).
Where can you find help regarding the program?
All questions about open access publishing in hybrid journals can be addressed directly to the Springer Nature publisher at oa.verification@springernature.com. If you have any further issues, please contact WBN staff at wbn@icm.edu.pl. Information about the program is also available on the publisher's page Poland Read and Publish agreement.
Details and updated information on the Springer national open access publishing program
In 2024, TUL is not participating in the T&F open publishing program.
The program includes hybrid and Gold Open Access journals.
A deposit made by the Library of Lodz University of Technology enables corresponding authors from TUL to publish a limited number of Open Access articles without incurring APC costs.
Information about the current state of the deposit - Electronic Resources department of the TUL Library (contact information at the bottom of the page).
The program is intended for corresponding authors affiliated with institutions participating in the T&F consortium that also applied for the open publishing program. The program includes publishing in T&F Open Select (hybrid journals) and T&F Open (OA). On the publisher's website you can check the current information on the titles included in the program and APC costs. Each institution declares the amount of the deposit intended to be utilised by its authors and administers it (unused funds from the deposit are carried over to the next year). Participating institutions benefit from a certain percentage discount on the APC deducted from the list price (the discount ranges from 15% to 25%). Institutions participating in the program have Research Dashboard administrative accounts.
The author of an article accepted for publication should complete the online form in accordance with the publisher's instructions. The corresponding author should be using an e-mail address from the domain of the institution participating in the program, which guarantees that the system will automatically send a request for verification of the article to the account administrator at his home institution. The coordinator for the T&F program and licence is Ebsco, contact person: Anna Abramowska AAbramowska@ebsco.com. Information for authors can also be found on the publisher's website.
The local administrator for the program at TUL is the Electronic Resources department of the TUL Library (contact information at the bottom of the page).
Details and updated information on the T&F open access publishing program
Journal Checker Tool
The compatibility of the chosen journal's publishing policy with the requirements of the open access policy outlined in Plan S can be checked using the Journal Checker Tool.
Searching with this tool involves entering the journal title or ISSN, the name of the institution funding the research and employing the researcher.
Contact information
If you have questions about open publishing programs, please contact with Electronic Resources department of the TUL Library (oze@lib.p.lodz.pl, phone: 42 631 20 51) or contact directly at e-mail addresses provided on the website of the Virtual Library of Science (WBN) along with the information about individual programs (not applicable to RSC, ACM and MDPI).