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General information

The Library of Lodz University of Technology is the largest centre of scientific and technical information in the Lodz region. It perfectly combines tradition with modernity, regularly expanding its resources and modernising its services to meet the expectations and needs of the academic community. The facility is located on the B campus of Lodz University of Technology. It consists of the Main Library and branch libraries (Jerzy Samujłło’s Civil Engineering and Architecture Library and the Osman Achmatowicz’s Chemical Library). Together with the department libraries, operating in the institutes and departments of the University, it forms the library and information system of Lodz University of Technology which provides access to the literature necessary for teaching and scientific work at the University.

The collection includes scientific literature from the disciplines represented at the University and related fields as well as works of general interest. The printed book collection is arranged in a free-access system. Part of the collection has been digitalised and can be found in the CYBRA Regional Digital Library. In addition, the scientific output of the staff is made available and archived in the Repository of Publications of the Staff of Lodz University of Technology and in the Repository of Open Research Data of Lodz University of Technology.

An important element of the library's activities has become the creation and development of electronic resources which play a key role in the education and research process. The library offers electronic books, journals and databases, providing users with convenient access to necessary information regardless of place and time. A scientific search engine, located on the library's website, searches most of the provided collections. At the same time, additional software links to the full texts of the searched documents.

The library provides convenient working and studying conditions in the reading rooms and free access areas to the collections. Readers have workstations, computers with Internet access, scanners, photocopiers, printers, a 3D printer, bookmats, self-lending devices, the EDUROAM wireless network and relaxation areas at their disposal.

Within the unit operate such special agencies as: Lodz University of Technology Press and Bookstore, as well as the University Personalisation Point. It also houses the Biblio-Art gallery, the Patent Information Centre (operated until the end of December 2024), the Interlibrary Loan Service and the SP7TUL Shortwave Radio Club of Lodz University of Technology.

Treść (rozbudowana)
full-text eBooks
e-journal titles
Polish e-standards in full text
titles in TUL collection in CYBRA
volumes of printed books
volumes of printed journals

As of 31.12.2024