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Diploma theses – sources

You will find tutorials to help you write your diploma thesis listed below. Additionally, there are the diploma regulations and anti-plagiarism procedure applicable to diploma students of Technical University of Lodz.

Zdjęcie poglądowe przedstawiające rękę wyjmującą książkę z ekranu laptopa.

Publications on the technique of writing scientific papers

On the web there are many resources which discuss thesis writing and editing guidelines more generally or specifically Here are sample sources you can use when writing a BA, BSc or MA thesis:

Regulations of diploma and anti-plagiarism procedure of diploma theses in Lodz University of Technology

Procedures related to the preparation of the diploma thesis by the student, as well as the obligation to check diploma theses in the anti-plagiarism program, are regulated by Zarządzenie Nr 75/2022 Rektora Politechniki Łódzkiej z dnia 22 grudnia 2022 r. w sprawie Regulaminu dyplomowania oraz Procedury antyplagiatowej prac dyplomowych w Politechnice Łódzkiej.