The databases available on the EBSCOhost platform and the multi-search engine have been enriched with a new function - Generate AI Insight, to which the Lodz University of Technology received promotional access until the end of February 2026.
AI Insights is a tool based on artificial intelligence that generates concise summaries of full texts available in selected EBSCO databases. This functionality was designed to reduce the time spent searching for appropriate full-text resources. The key advantage of this solution is the ability to quickly assess the usefulness of scientific articles for ongoing research, without having to read them in their entirety. Generate AI Insight offers concise summaries, highlighting 2 to 5 key pieces of information from each document, which facilitates a quick assessment of its usefulness for specific research.
AI Insights are available in the interface language, regardless of the language of the full text of the document.
The "Generate AI information" button appears in the search results. However, not all records in the results will have the AI Insights button enabled, which depends on the publisher's permission to connect to the AI Insights tool.
Databases to which AI Insights is connected.
Interfaces to which Generative AI Insights is connected.